DorrisWedding modest designed wedding garment in vintage style

What to do when you have run out of cardamon?

This should help you.......

Allspice - substitute cinnamon, cassia, a dash of nutmeg or mace, or a dash of cloves


Aniseed - substitute fennel seed, a few drops of anise extract or anise stars

Cardamom - substitute ginger

Chili powder - substitute a dash of bottled hot pepper sauce plus a combination of oregano and cumin

Cinnamon - substitute nutmeg or allspice (use only 1/4 the recipe amount of allspice)

Cloves - substitute allspice, cinnamon or nutmeg

Coriander - substitute ground caraway seed or cumin

Cumin - substitute chili powder

Ginger - substitute allspice, cinnamon, mace or nutmeg

Nutmeg - substitute cinnamon, ginger or mace

Poultry Seasoning - substitute sage plus a dash of marjoram, thyme and black pepper

Turmeric - substitute a dash of saffron for color plus ground mustard powder using a 1-to-1 ratio or use annatto powder DorrisWedding modest designed wedding garment in vintage style

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