royal and nave blue color collections for cocktail

9th Biology Importants
Zoology long
1: Human digestive system
2: Human respiratory system
3: Human circulatory system ...
4: Structure and function of Kidney
5: Endocrine system
6: Brain with its functions
7: Phylums cnidaria / arthopoda /echinodermata/ Nematoda
8: Classes reptile , aves and mammals
9: Development of frog up to neurulation

Botany long
1: Reproductive structure of flower
2: Bacteria classification on basis of shape nutrition and respiration
3: Life cycle of fern
4: Light and dark reaction
5: Types of movement in plants
6: Law of segregation and law of independent assortment with crosses
7: Darwin theory / lamarck theory
8: Structure of seed
9: Structure of ovule

Short answer question
1: types of tissues in plants
2: Branches of biology
3: Modern classification of kingdoms
4: Structure of bacteriophage
5: Cyanobacteria
6: Alteration of generation
7: Short note on fungi or algae
8: Difference monocot / dicot
9: Deficiency of vitamins
10: Name of bone of human skeleton
11: Necessities of sexual reproduction
12: Difference b/w open and close type of circulatory system , sexual and asexual reproduction.
13: Diseases ricketes , neurosis, paralysis , heart attack .
14: methods to treat sewage
15: Global warming , acid rain , depletetion of ozone layer
16: Nitrogen and carbon cycle.
17: Role of plant hormones
18: Annual ring and heart wood
19: Blood
20: sex determination in humans
21: Chart of disease in humans
22: Role of biology in economic development
23: excretion in cockroach and planaria
24: Define following
synapse , reflex action , excretion , autotroph , omnivore , viviparous , germination , parthenocarpy , neuron , T.B , diarhhoea , taxonomy , homology , vestigial organs , imbibiton , active transport , diffusion , osmosis . royal and nave blue color collections for cocktail

1: t.s of stem of brassica
2: Human tooth
3: excretory and reproductive system of male frog
4: nephron
5: circulatory system of frog
6: diagram of lungs

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